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Course Outline

Hunter meeting with a  landowner
  • Ask landowners for permission to hunt.
  • Follow their restrictions on when and where you may hunt.
  • Treat livestock and crops as your own.
  • Offer to share a part of your harvest with the owner.
  • Leave all gates the way you found them.
  • If you notice something wrong or out of place, notify the landowner immediately.
  • Never enter private land that is cultivated or posted unless you have obtained permission first. Some states require written permission from landowners.

How to Ask Landowners for Permission

  • Make contact well ahead of the hunting season.
  • Wear street clothes—no hunting gear or firearms.
  • Don’t bring companions—a “crowd” could be intimidating.
  • Be polite, even if permission is denied. Your courtesy may affect the outcome of future requests.

Landowner Complaints About Hunters

  • Don’t get permission to hunt.
  • Don’t tell the landowners when they arrive at or leave the property.
  • Make too much noise.
  • Leave litter behind.
  • Carry loaded firearms in vehicles.
  • Drive off the ranch roads.
  • Don’t leave gates as they were found (open or shut) when the hunter arrived.
  • Shoot too close to neighbors or livestock.
  • Leave fires unattended.
  • Violate game laws.
  • Drink alcohol to excess.
Man talking to a landowner
  • Unit 2 of 11
  • Topic 2 of 3
  • Page 5 of 10