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Course Outline

A hunter in blaze orange and a non-hunter in street clothes shaking hands
  • Transport animals discreetly—don’t display them.
  • Keep firearms out of sight.
  • Refrain from taking graphic photographs of the kill and from vividly describing the kill while within earshot of non-hunters.
  • Maintain a presentable appearance while on the street—no bloody or dirty clothing.

How to Behave if Confronted by Anti-Hunter Protesters

  • Remain calm and polite, and do not engage in arguments—never lose your temper.
  • Never touch an anti-hunter or use any physical force, and especially never threaten an anti-hunter with your firearm.
  • Report hunter harassment to law enforcement authorities. If possible, record the vehicle license number of harassers.
  • Unit 2 of 11
  • Topic 2 of 3
  • Page 7 of 10