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Course Outline

Attention! The information on this page may save your life or the lives of your friends and family.

“T.A.B. + 1”—The Four Primary Rules of Firearm Safety

  • Treat every firearm as if it were loaded.
  • Always keep the muzzle in a safe direction.
  • Be sure of your target and beyond.
  • +1 Keep your finger outside the trigger guard until ready to shoot.

Practice the Rest of the Ten Commandments…

  • Check your barrel and ammunition.
  • Unload firearm when not in use.
  • Point a firearm only at something you intend to shoot.
  • Don't run, jump, or climb with a loaded firearm.
  • Store firearms and ammunition separately and safely.
  • Don't drink alcoholic beverages before or during shooting.
  • Unit 1 of 11
  • Topic 1 of 3
  • Page 2 of 2