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Course Outline

Responsible hunters welcome laws that enforce sportsmanlike hunting practices because the behavior of irresponsible hunters has caused some people to oppose hunting.

  • Nationally, about 5% of the population hunts, and roughly the same percentage actively opposes hunting.
  • The rest of the population is predominantly neutral. However, bad behavior by hunters could sway some of the neutral crowd into the anti-hunting camp.

How Hunters Make a Positive Impact

To make a positive impact, hunters:

  • Put in countless hours to improve wildlife habitat.
  • Help biologists transplant game species and save other species from extinction.
  • Encourage others to practice ethical behavior.
  • Advocate and support legislation that protects wildlife resources.
  • Present a professional image when talking to the media.
Three generations of hunters
  • Unit 2 of 11
  • Topic 1 of 3
  • Page 8 of 8