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Course Outline

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Best Management Practices (BMPs) for trapping are based on research conducted by the Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies (AFWA) with the help of state wildlife agencies, trappers, and trapping groups.

The purpose of the BMP process is to scientifically evaluate the traps and trapping systems used for capturing furbearers in the United States. Evaluations are based on animal welfare, efficiency, selectivity, practicality, and safety. Results of this research are provided as information to state and federal wildlife agencies and trappers, and assists them with:

  • Promoting regulated trapping as a modern wildlife management tool
  • Identifying practical traps and trapping techniques that will continue to improve efficiency, selectivity, and the welfare of trapped animals
  • Providing specifications for traps that meet BMP criteria for individual species in various regions of the United States
  • Providing wildlife professionals with information to evaluate trapping systems in the United States
  • Instilling public confidence in and maintaining public support for wildlife management and trapping through the distribution of scientific information

For more information on BMPs, visit the AFWA website.

  • Unit 2 of 7
  • Topic 4 of 4
  • Page 1 of 3