Foothold Traps: Jaws and Sizes
Types of Jaws
Padded traps have rubber pads on the jaws. This increases efficiency and reduces injuries.

Offset jaws leave a space (⅛ inch to ¼ inch) between the jaws when fully closed. This improves animal welfare and increases holding strength.

Double jaw traps have two sets of jaws. A smaller set of jaws lies inside the regular jaws. The smaller set of jaws limits access to the restrained foot.

Laminated jaws include an extra strip of metal above and/or below the jaw. This makes the jaw thicker to increase the surface area holding the furbearer's foot.

Sizes of Foothold Traps
Manufacturers use numbers as names for certain traps (such as “#3”), but the trap names do not relate to the mechanical design of the traps. Make sure that the trap you choose is legal to use for the species you plan to trap.
- #1 for muskrat, nutria, mink, skunk, and weasel
- #1½ for nutria, raccoon, mink, American marten, fisher, opossum, and fox
- #2 for fisher, Northern river otter, and fox (although #1½ is recommended for all fox trapping)
- #3 and #4 for beaver, coyote, and bobcat
- #11 for muskrat, nutria, raccoon, mink, skunk, opossum, and fox
- In submersion sets, #1½ traps are recommended when seeking strong, active furbearers such as raccoon and mink.