Overview of Traps
Traps are your most important tool because they catch the furbearer.
Traps can be set either on land or in or near the water, depending on the animal you want to catch.
Some types of traps are designed to kill the trapped animal (mechanically powered killing devices). Others are designed to capture the animal alive and unharmed (live-restraining devices).
- The most common type of killing devices are bodygrip traps, also called rotating jaw traps.
- Live-restraining devices include foothold traps, enclosed foothold devices, and cage traps. With these traps, you are able to release non-target animals.
- Some furbearers are found more often in or near water. For these animals, trappers use submersion trapping systems, which hold the animal underwater until it dies. Submersion systems can use either killing devices or live-restraining devices.
Certain types of traps are illegal because they are unsafe or inhumane.
- Deadfalls and traps with teeth are illegal in most states and provinces.
- Make sure you know which types of traps are legal where you plan to trap.

Beaver Slide Set