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There are several ways to use a foothold trap in a submersion system. In some cases, you can simply stake a heavy foothold trap in deep water. The weight of the trap will pull the furbearer underwater.

Two other techniques are the sliding wire technique and the tangle stake technique.

  • Sliding Wire Technique. When an animal is trapped in a submersion system with a sliding wire, it will follow its instinct to swim to deep water. The non-relaxing lock on the end of the trap chain will prevent the animal from surfacing or swimming back to shallow water, causing asphyxiation, which will result in death.
  • Tangle Stake Technique. When an animal is trapped in a submersion system with a tangle stake, a wire attached to a stake will force the animal to swim in a circle. This will wrap the wire around the two stakes. The animal will be forced underwater, causing asphyxiation, which will result in death.

Making a Submersion System With a Sliding Wire

  • Attach a wire or cable to an anchor or stake. The anchor can be a large rock or other heavy object.
  • Place the anchor in water deep enough to keep the furbearer submerged completely. If using a stake, drive the stake into the streambed in deep water.
  • Pull the free end of the wire or cable to the shoreline.
  • Attach a non-relaxing sliding lock to the end of your trap chain. Slide the lock onto the wire or cable in the correct direction (the lock should slide down the wire toward deep water, not back toward shore).
  • Attach the free end of the wire or cable to a stake. Drive the stake into the bank near your set. The wire or cable should now be tight.
  • Make your set.

Making a Submersion System With a Tangle Stake

  • Attach a wire or cable to an anchor or stake. The anchor can be a large rock or other heavy object.
  • Tie a wire to a stake.
  • Attach the trap chain to the wire.
  • Anchor the stake in deep water.
  • Drive a second stake beyond the first.
  • Unit 5 of 7
  • Topic 2 of 4
  • Page 3 of 5