Hunter Tip: How to Stand Out With Blaze Orange

The best and easiest way to stay safe while hunting big game, small game, or upland birds is to wear blaze orange.
In many states, it's the law. However, how much and what kind of blaze orange you need can vary based on what species you hunt and where you hunt. In some states, hunter pink is now an option if you prefer it instead of hunter orange.
Keep reading to see why hunter orange is the best way to stand out and stay safe when hunting!
What Does Blaze Orange Look Like in the Field?
Why do we recommend (and most states require) wearing bright fluorescent orange in the field? Can't animals see you when you're supposed to blend in?
Watch the video below to pick the best blaze orange for your hunt and see how various ways of wearing orange stand out (or don't stand out) in the field.
Avoid Being Mistaken for Game
Wearing blaze orange is the best way to ensure other hunters don't accidentally mistake you for game. The more you wear, the more visible you'll be.
As the video shows, wearing a blaze orange jacket and hat provides far more visibility than a vest or hat alone – and that's far better than any old orange shirt you have lying around.
Don't worry about distracting game with your fluorescent orange hat, vest, or jacket: Deer can't see it. In fact, hunters who wear blaze orange report better hunts because they can see other hunters and fan out.
Wearing blaze orange or pink also reduces the potential for a hunting accident. Since deer and other wild game don't wear orange, you can decipher between another hunter vs. your game target based on where you see hunter orange (or not).
It's Not a Fashion Statement. It's a Safety Thing.
Wearing bright orange on a hunt isn't a fashion statement; it's an essential part of hunter safety. So, you can probably leave that blaze-orange blazer at home. Even if you don't like orange (or don't think you look "good" in the color), adding it to your hunting attire is crucial.
While there are plenty of ways to style yourself for a hunt based on your clothing preferences, blaze orange is an essential part of your hunting gear. True, fluorescent orange doesn't blend into the surroundings to help you hide when hunting in the field or the woods, but that's the point.
Other hunters can see it and avoid firing at you.
A good mix of camo and blaze orange or pink can help you feel like you blend into your surroundings (and hide from deer or other animals) while standing out to other hunters. While it's essential to harvest the game you hunt, coming home safely at the end of your hunt is probably more important.
Blaze orange gear has come a long way since hunters initially adopted it as a safety precaution in the 1960s. Today, hunters can find plenty of options to incorporate the right amount of orange or pink into their hunts. Just make sure your clothing choices comply with regulations in the areas you plan to hunt!

Hunt Safely With Blaze Orange and Your Hunter Safety Certification
In addition to wearing blaze orange on a hunt, hunters should pass a state-approved hunter safety course. When taking a course through Hunter-Ed, you'll learn valuable safety tips for a successful hunt, including wearing hunter orange, handling and transporting firearms, and regulations.
Our courses are 100% online, and you can take your exam online, too! So, before hunting season begins, find your state's course and get certified. Make sure your hunting partners and family take a hunting education course, too, so everyone understands how to have safe and successful hunts this season.
Originally published December 17, 2015. Content updated October 30, 2023.