How Tree Stand Safety Awareness Could Save Your Life

An average of 20 hunters per year die, and disabilities permanently impair many others because of tree stand falls. That's why September is Tree Stand Safety Awareness Month, so hunters remember to brush up on essential tree stand safety practices.
Hunter-Ed supports Tree Stand Safety Awareness Month (and hunter education and safety year-round). Today, we want to share a few simple tips to keep hunters safe when using tree stands.
Tree Stand Falls Can Lead to Serious Injury (or Worse)
Tree stand falls are the number one cause of serious injuries or death to deer hunters, but they are preventable if you follow the following basic steps.
- Wear a fall-arrest system, which includes a full-body harness.
- Stay connected to the tree the whole time you are off the ground.
- See that your buddies do the same.
A fall could happen even if you are a seasoned hunter and use a tree stand frequently. So, don't let your experience convince you to skip any of these steps, and make sure you use proper safety equipment every time you're in the stand.
Learn more about staying safe when using a tree stand by watching the short video below.
What Is a Fall-Arrest System?
Tree stand harnesses are one part of a fall-arrest system (FAS).
Components should include:
- A full-body harness
- A lineman's-style belt (or a climbing belt)
- A tree strap
- A tether
- A suspension-relief strap
- A lifeline system.
When used properly, these components can protect hunters from a dangerous fall. Always follow manufacturer recommendations when using your FAS.
Any hunter who can't wear an FAS properly should stay on the ground.
Learn More About Tree Stand Safety With Hunter-Ed
You and those you hunt with should always use a full-body harness and lineman's-style belt or lifeline to stay connected to the tree from the time you leave the ground until you get back down. Following these simple steps when using tree stands can save lives.
There's much more to being safe when using a tree stand than what we've covered here today. Hunters also need to understand good firearm safety, essential hunting skills, how to set up a safe zone of fire, and how to be prepared and responsible in the field. We cover all this (and much more) through our online hunter safety courses!
We want every hunter to enjoy more time in the field each season. To do that, safety must be a priority. The best way to gain the knowledge you need and follow state requirements for safety certifications is to take an online course through Hunter-Ed. Our courses are state-approved and prepare you for safe hunting.
Find the course for your state and get certified before your next hunt!
Originally published August 17, 2015. Content updated August 28, 2023.