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Waterfowl hunting is also very popular in Colorado. Waterfowl identification is a skill that can only be learned through a lot of practice. It is important to know what species you harvest, as each species has its own bag limit and possession limit. There are 12 duck species that can be hunted in Colorado, and being able to identify those species quickly while they are flying is very difficult. We encourage anyone who is brand new to waterfowl hunting to go out with an experienced waterfowl hunter to learn from them, or start by hunting one specific species that is easily recognizable for you, like mallard ducks.

Ducks of Colorado

Illustrations of some commonly encountered ducks are depicted in this image. More information on identifying waterfowl can be found on the Ducks Unlimited website.

  • Unit 10 of 11
  • Topic 2 of 5
  • Page 4 of 8