Scenario 3: Review
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Video Transcript
Transcript for Firearm Safety Review
Amber: If you chose “9,” you are correct. The hunter joining the group on the tailgate had his muzzle pointed in their direction. When seated, he then had his finger on the trigger. The action was closed, and his muzzle was still pointed in the direction of the other hunters. Our second hunter had his muzzle pointed up at himself, with his hands on the muzzle, and the action was closed. And our third hunter had her firearm on her back with the muzzle pointed in the direction of the other two hunters. We aren’t sure if the firearms we just saw in the video were loaded or not. However, we should always assume a firearm is loaded.
Always be safe; unload your firearms, make sure they are safe, and store them when taking a break. This will prevent accidents from happening.
Congratulations! You have made it through the Firearm Safety scenario of Hunt Day 3. Keep up the good work. Let’s move on to the fourth scenario.
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