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Course Outline

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As the name implies, still hunting is walking stealthily through an animal’s habitat, stopping frequently—sometimes for long periods—to scan and listen for game. Typically, big-game hunters use this method in unfamiliar terrain or where stands are impractical or forbidden.

  • As a general rule, spend at least 10 times longer being still and observing than walking. Keep a low profile; a human silhouette will spook many game species. Use binoculars in open terrain to identify movement properly.
  • If you still hunt effectively, game will be unaware of your presence, but so will other sportsmen. To avoid being mistaken for game by other hunters, always wear fluorescent orange.
Still hunter crouching by edge of marsh
  • Unit 4 of 11
  • Topic 2 of 5
  • Page 2 of 11