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Course Outline

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Waterfowl are warm-blooded animals that live on or near water, and include diving ducks and puddle ducks.

Puddle duck feet

Puddle Duck Foot

Puddle ducks are found primarily on the shallows of lakes, rivers, and freshwater marshes. Puddle ducks prefer to feed on or near the water’s surface. They launch themselves directly upward when taking off.

Diving duck feet

Diving Duck Foot

Diving ducks inhabit large deep lakes and rivers, coastal bays, and inlets. Diving ducks obtain most of their food by diving. They must run across the water to build up speed to take off.

Some Examples of Waterfowl

Canada goose

Canada Goose

Wood duck

Wood Duck

  • Unit 9 of 10
  • Topic 4 of 5
  • Page 7 of 11