History of the Bow and Arrow

The use of the bow and arrow is recorded as early as 3000 BC.
- The Egyptians used bows shorter than a man’s height, with arrows two feet long or more.
- Early bows were C-shaped. When shooting these bows, the archer would pull the string with a ring held around the thumb. The early longbow was 5–6 feet in length and was usually made of yew. The legend of Robin Hood romanticized the longbow.
- Native American Indians were America’s first bowhunters. European settlers brought their skills to America and contributed to the development of bows and arrows in the U.S.
- In 1879, the National Archery Association was founded. It initiated the first U.S.–sponsored tournament in 1879.
- Bowhunting did not really take off until the 1950s and 1960s as hunters learned more about this sport and about newer bows that were being developed.
- Like other methods of hunting, the bowhunter first must acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to be a safe and responsible hunter.