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Course Outline

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If you cannot get out of the water quickly, act to protect against rapid heat loss. In as few as 10 minutes, you may be unable to self-rescue.

  • Stay as motionless as possible, protecting the high heat loss areas of your body, and keep your head and neck out of the water.
  • Safety typically looks closer than it actually is, so staying with the boat is usually a better choice than swimming.
  • Adopt a position to reduce heat loss. If alone, use the Heat Escape Lessening Posture (HELP) position; if there are others in the water with you, huddle together.
  • Be prepared at all times to signal rescuers.

Advanced Stages of Hypothermia

When a victim has these symptoms, dry clothing, heat, and medical attention are required immediately:

  • Bluish-white appearance
  • Weak heartbeat
  • Shallow breathing
  • Rigid body muscles
  • May be unconscious

The HELP and Huddle Positions

Heat Escape Lessening Posture (HELP): When you are alone, this position protects the body’s three major areas of heat loss (groin, head/neck, and rib cage/armpits). Wearing a PFD allows you to draw your knees to your chest and your arms to your sides.

Person holding up his knees close to the chest (HELP position)

Huddling With Others: Huddling with other people in the water lessens the loss of body heat and is good for morale. Also, rescuers can spot a group more easily than individuals.

Three people in the huddle position
  • Unit 6 of 10
  • Topic 8 of 10
  • Page 7 of 7