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The Maryland Field Day Workshop

Important Field Day Workshop Information

Locating and Signing Up for the Field Day Workshop

After passing the online portion of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources Hunting education course, you will need to locate and sign up for the required Field Day Workshop.

Locate and sign up for the Field Day Workshop in your area.

Important! Bring your Field Day Qualifier Voucher to the Field Day Workshop as proof of having completed the online course.

Warning! Passing the online course does not guarantee you a spot at the Field Day Workshop.

Internet Field Day Workshop Exemption

Students are exempt from Internet Field Day Workshop if they have completed Maryland Course and if they qualify under one of the following professions or trainings:

  • Active-duty or honorably discharged members of the U.S. military who are stationed in the State of Maryland or who are permanent Maryland residents.
  • Any permanent Maryland resident who is a current or retired law enforcement officer from the State of Maryland. This person must hold—or have previously held—a Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission Police Officer Certification and be employed or retired from a Maryland law enforcement agency.
    Note: Special police officer certifications are not accepted.
  • Any permanent Maryland resident who holds a current State of Maryland Permit to Carry a Handgun that is issued by the Maryland State Police.
    Note: A Maryland Handgun Qualification License (HQL) is not a qualifying permit for the exemption.

To qualify for the exemption, students will be required to present a copy of their driver’s license or state identification card (front only) and a copy of their Maryland Hunter Education Online Course Completion Document. Students must also present one of the following documents indicating profession or training:

  • If active law enforcement, a copy of current Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission Police Officer Compliance Card (front & back) and a copy of your current agency ID card (front & back) or…
  • If retired law enforcement, a letter from your former Chief, Sheriff, or Superintendent stating that you were previously employed as a police officer (must be on agency letterhead and signed by agency head) or…
  • If active-duty military, a copy of your most recent LES (Leave & Earnings Statement; please be sure to black out your SSN when submitting), and a copy of your Common Access Card (CAC; front & back) and a copy of your duty orders (duty orders required only if submitting request as a non-resident) or…
  • If honorably discharged from the military, a copy of your Member 4 DD-214 (please be sure to black out your social security number when submitting) or…
  • A copy of your State of Maryland Permit to Carry a Handgun issued by the Maryland State Police (front & back of card required—must be current).
    Note: A Maryland Handgun Qualification License (HQL) is not a qualifying permit for the exemption.

To apply for the exemption, you must complete the Exemption Request Form. (Allow up to 4 weeks for processing.) Once all requirements are met, students will be emailed a copy of their Hunter Education Certificate.

Note: Students who complete the Maryland Course and who do not qualify for the exemption would still be required to complete an Internet Field Day Workshop before they are issued Hunter Education Certificate.

Please note that the submission of fraudulent or fictitious government documents is a crime. If such is found to be submitted, it will be investigated thoroughly, and offenders will be prosecuted to the law’s fullest extent.

For questions and concerns, please email Be sure to verify your email address on the form, as this will be the main correspondence between you and our agency. For more information, refer to the Maryland DNR website.

What to Expect at the Field Day Workshop (FDW)

The FDW is an in-person training event used to evaluate a student’s understanding of the material learned during the online training. The FDW does not provide a complete review of the online material. Students are expected to arrive prepared to test. Note: A FDW will provide some specific information not provided during the online portion that will not be tested.

Generally, the FDW will last 4 to 6 hours, but this may vary. Instructors may adjust the focus or style of instruction as needed. Please note of any special instructions when registering for the FDW; some training facilities have special requirements. Be sure that you have the proper clothing for the outdoor sessions.

The FDW will include three events:

  1. A classroom session provided by trained Hunter Education Instructors that covers Maryland-specific information and will include a 50-question multiple-choice test
  2. A pass/fail “Trail Walk” that is observed and scored by trained Hunter Education Instructors
  3. A range session under supervision of trained Range Safety Officers on an approved range that includes a minimum of two (2) rounds of live fire

After successful completion of the three FDW events, students will receive a Maryland Hunter Education Certificate.

Note: Successful completion of a Maryland Hunter Education Course (including the FDW) will provide a person with an exemption from the training component of the Maryland Handgun Qualification Licensing process. However, it does not provide any exemption to a Wear and Carry Permit.

Get Certified Online!

Take this Maryland–approved course to complete your online hunter safety education. is a delegated provider for the Maryland Department of Natural Resources.

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