Loading and Cleaning Accessories

- Possibles bag to carry various hunting items
- Powder flask
- Shot pouch
Loading materials
- Cotton or linen patches (synthetic materials will melt)
- Knife to cut patches
- Black powder or substitute
- Powder measure
- Ball starter
- Wad (for shotguns)
- Shot, round balls, or conical bullets
- Sabots for bullets (optional)
Flintlock accessories
- Flints
- Pan primer
- Vent pick
In-line and percussion lock accessories
- Extra nipples
- Nipple wrench
- Nipple pick
- Percussion caps and capper
- Disassembly tool
Cleaning materials
- Isopropyl alcohol
- Soft cotton flannel cleaning patches
- Black powder solvent bore cleaner
- Shotgun bore mop
- Cleaning brushes
- Pipe cleaners
- Paper towels
- Water
- Non-abrasive soap
Other tools
- Ramrod
- Bench rod
- Patch worm
- CO2 discharger
- Lubricant