The Ten Commandments of Firearm Safety
Attention! The information on this page may save your life or the lives of your friends and family.
The Four Primary Rules of Firearm Safety
1. Always control the muzzle of your firearm.
Keep it pointed in a safe direction at all times.

2. Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
This is the best way to prevent an accidental discharge.

3. Treat every firearm as if it were loaded and keep it unloaded until ready to fire.
It might be, even if you think it isn't.

4. Know your target and what is beyond.
Know the identifying features of the game you hunt. Make sure you have an adequate backstop—don’t shoot at a flat, hard surface or water.

Additional Rules about Firearm Safety
5. Check your barrel and ammunition.
Make sure the barrel and action are clear of obstructions. Does the information on the ammunition box and on the barrel of your firearm match?

6. Unload firearms when not in use.
Carry unloaded firearms in cases when not actively being used and when traveling to and from the shooting/hunting area.

7. Point a handgun only at something you intend to shoot.
Avoid all horseplay with a gun.

8. Don't run, jump, or climb with a loaded firearm.
Unload a firearm before you climb a fence or tree, or jump a ditch. Be aware of where the muzzle is pointed at all times.

9. Store handguns and ammunition separately and safely.
Store firearms and ammunition in secure locations and/or safes to prevent unauthorized use.

10. Avoid alcoholic beverages before and during shooting.
Alcoholic beverages and mind-/behavior-altering substances impair coordination and judgement.