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Course Outline

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Every crossbow manufacturer includes an owner’s manual with each model.

  • It is extremely important that you read and understand the manual before assembling your crossbow.
  • If a dealer assembles the crossbow, never attempt to shoot it BEFORE reading the manual.
  • Retain and date the owner’s manual for future reference. If you do not have your owner’s manual, visit the crossbow manufacturer’s website to get one.

Checking Your Equipment

Always inspect your crossbow and arrows before you go target shooting or hunting.

  • Make sure the safety and trigger are functioning properly.
  • Check the string and cables to make sure they are not fraying or broken.
  • Check the string serving for wear.
  • Make sure all bolts are tight, including those connecting the bow to the stock and those on the cocking stirrup.
  • Make sure the arrow retention spring will hold the arrow in the proper position.
  • Examine each arrow to make sure that there are no cracks or breaks in the shaft, that the fletching is not damaged, and that the nock is in good condition.
    • Replace any nock that is cracked or broken.
    • Discard any arrow that has a cracked or broken shaft. Never use a damaged arrow. Some common types of damage to look for are:
      • Creases, dents, or cracks in aluminum or carbon arrows
      • Carbon arrows that do not pass flexing and twisting tests

Visual Crossbow Inspection Checklist

The International Crossbow Education Program has developed a checklist for visually checking the condition of crossbow equipment. Click here to view a PDF of the "Visual Crossbow Inspection Checklist."

  • Unit 6 of 13
  • Topic 6 of 8
  • Page 1 of 9