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Pest animals pose a major threat to native wildlife, agriculture and forestry. Targeted baiting programs using Sodium fluoroacetate, known as 1080, is commonly used by agencies such as Local Land Services and Forestry Corporation of NSW (FCNSW) for controlling populations of wild dogs and foxes on many public lands. These land managers and pest management agencies strategically manage these ground and aerial baiting programs to ensure populations are managed to limit negative impacts.

A baiting program may be scheduled at short notice. When this happens, hunters who hold a written permission for affected forests will receive an SMS or an email notification from the Game Licensing Unit, requesting a reprint of the written permission with the added advisory.

At times a baiting program will not be marked on a map and you may not receive a GLU advisory. In this instance you must comply with all baiting signage.

While the baited area will remain open to hunting, it is your responsibility to be vigilant when hunting in areas where baiting programs are conducted and act immediately if you observe or suspect your dog has eaten a 1080 bait. You must stop hunting and contact your vet immediately.

You should always:

  • avoid hunting in areas with a dog that has been heavily baited with 1080 such as ridgelines where aerial application of 1080 meat baits
  • muzzle your dog if hunting in an area where 1080 baits are being used
  • ask the landowner or manager if any 1080 baiting programs are being undertaken on their property
  • read your written permission and hunting maps for 1080 baiting notifications when you are hunting on public land
  • always be on the lookout for 1080 signage and avoid hunting in those areas
  • keep a close watch on your dog and prevent them from eating any unknown items on the ground
  • train your dogs to be bait adverse, and only eat on command
  • be prepared and contact your vet immediately for advice on the best practice to induce vomiting if your dog consumes a bait
  • download the most current DPI forest hunting maps to locate aerial bait lines that should be avoided.
Dog sitting near a poison bait warning board
  • Unit 3 of 3
  • Topic 2 of 2
  • Page 7 of 7