Mustering dogs
Dogs used for mustering goats are typically all-round working dogs with strong herding ability. With the right capabilities, any dog can be used to muster goats, however the most common breeds generally include:
- Kelpie
- Border Collie
- Koolie
- Cattle Dog
- Australian Shepherd.
A successful goat mustering dog should have the following traits:
- A strong natural instinct to work goats.
- Can be sent around a mob of goats and bring them back without losing any or allowing the mob to drift off line.
- Can drive or move the mob of goats away from the handler.
- Ability to use the right amount of ‘eye’ to control the goats.
- Ability to move (push) the goats in a certain direction, particularly when getting them into yards.
- Ability to cover and prevent the goats from running past them.
- Can hold the goats in one area.
- Barks on command.
- Works well in the open and in the yard.