Lookouts, Communications, Escape Routes and Safety Zones (LCES)

Courtesy of NWCG
The LCES system identifies four basic components of fire line safety. These four basic components are essential for personal safety on the fire line, whether they are on a prescribed burn or a wildfire. This safety system can be used by crew members to routinely assess their current situation with respect to the hazards that they face.
L – Lookouts: Post lookouts in potentially hazardous situations to monitor fire behavior, weather and other hazardous conditions.
C – Communications: Whether it is face-to-face or over a radio, communications need to be clear, concise and understood.
E – Escape Routes: Pathways to escape hazardous situations. They need to be identified and communicated to all personnel.
S – Safety Zones: Safety zones are areas large enough that you can survive the fire burning around you without other protection. Often safety zones are “back into the black” or into the already burned area. Safety zones need to be identified and communicated to personnel.