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Course Outline

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Instead of stretching pelts, you can quick-freeze them.

  • Do this carefully. Otherwise, the pelts may be ruined.
  • Always freeze pelts flat and with the fur side out. No flesh should be exposed.
    • Never roll furs. Keep them flat.
    • Never freeze or thaw furs in plastic.
  • When you are ready to sell your fur, thaw animals with heavy flesh (coyotes, raccoons, and beavers) for five to six hours in a cool room. Never allow pelts to thaw enough that the grease melts or the skin gets slimy. Keep muskrat pelts frozen.
  • Small furbearers (muskrats and mink) can be frozen whole (without skinning). Allow to thaw partially before selling. For muskrats, only the feet need to be thawed.

Your fur buyer may have specific instructions for freezing pelts or whole animals. Check ahead of time.

  • Unit 7 of 7
  • Topic 1 of 3
  • Page 5 of 7