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Course Outline

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Follow these nine rules to reduce trap and fur stealing.

  1. Tag all traps. In addition, mark your traps with your initials or a particular number.
  2. Dye your traps, and try to camouflage your sets. If a thief cannot find them, they cannot steal them!
  3. Do not brag about your catches. Keep your trapping locations a secret.
  4. Keep track of your set locations on paper. (Your trapping journal is a good place to keep information and sketches showing the location of your sets.) Do not use flags to mark traps. If you must mark sets, use something natural, such as a stick.
  5. Check your traps when no one else is around.
  6. Do not make sets close to roadways or other places that have a lot of human activity.
  7. Get to know the other trappers in the area. Look out for each other's sets. It is a violation to disturb the traps of another. If you see someone doing this, get a car or hunting license number and report it.
  8. Ask landowners to keep their pets restrained.
  9. Ask landowners to inform other hunters that traps are set on their property.
Trapper checking a trap
  • Unit 6 of 7
  • Topic 2 of 3
  • Page 2 of 2