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Course Outline

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For land sets to work, the trap must be bedded properly.

Follow these steps to bed a foothold trap.

  1. Dig a shallow hole. The hole should be deep enough to set the trap at or just below ground level.
  2. Drive a stake or stakes to anchor the trap.
  3. Sift loose dirt into the bottom of the hole.
  4. Place the set trap in the hole. Press down firmly.
  5. Check for wobble using the four-point system.
    1. Press on the loose jaw.
    2. Press on the other jaw.
    3. Press on one lever.
    4. Press on the other lever.
  6. If you feel any wobble, pack more dirt under the wobbly area. Repeat the four-point check.
  7. Pack dirt around the outside of the trap.

After foothold traps are bedded, they must be covered.

  • Use dirt, leaves, or grass to cover the trap.
  • When covering with dirt, use a trap pan cover and a dirt sifter.
  • Unit 5 of 7
  • Topic 3 of 4
  • Page 2 of 6