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Course Outline

To propose a change to legislation:

  • If possible, use the printed form available at local Fish and Game offices.
  • Write the proposal or proposed change in clear language.
  • If possible, name the exact regulation you wish to change.
  • Explain in writing the problem you are trying to correct and why you want the regulation changed.
  • Submit your proposal before the deadline. Be sure to allow enough time for mailing.
  • If you have any questions, you can contact the Department of Fish and Game Board's Support Section.

After all the proposals are received, they are sent out for public comment. Anyone can attend a Board of Game meeting and comment on proposals, which are then discussed and either accepted or rejected by the Board.

See also the chart titled Board Regulatory Process (below), which illustrates Alaska’s hunting legislation process. Responsible hunters of all ages are encouraged to participate in this process.

Alaska’s hunting regulations are published each year and are effective July 1–June 30. It is every hunter’s responsibility to read and know the hunting regulations for the game and the area you are hunting.

Not knowing the regulations is not an excuse that will be accepted by law enforcement officials. The hunting regulations are published in free booklet form and also on the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s website:

You can purchase your hunting license and big game tags online.

  • Unit 6 of 8
  • Topic 1 of 3
  • Page 4 of 9