Boning, Bagging, and Hanging Meat
Some hunters bone the meat; that is, remove all edible meat from the bones. In certain game management units (GMU), your game must remain on the bone. Be sure to check the meat salvage requirements for your GMU.
- Boning reduces the weight to be packed.
- Boning increases the surface area of the meat, which can dry out and be lost.
- Large pieces of boned meat placed together in a game bag are harder to keep cool and dry. In some GMUs in Alaska, it is illegal to bone the meat because of a history of wasted meat.
- After the meat is removed from the animal, place it in cotton meat bags.
- Good meat bags allow air to circulate to the meat but are tough enough to hold heavy loads.
- The meat bags also help keep the meat clean.
- Back at camp, hang the bagged meat off the ground to help keep the meat clean and cool.