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Licenses available in the big game and turkey draws are what we call “limited licenses.” That means there is a set number of each one available; when they’re gone, they’re gone. The big game and turkey draws are separate but function in almost the same way; only the dates are different. For simplicity, we’ll break down how the draws work using the big game draw as an example. But everything you’re about to learn about the big game draw will also apply to the turkey draws.

The deadline to enter the primary big game draw is always early April. The date will move based on the calendar, but it is typically the first Tuesday in April. Dates for the turkey draws and the secondary big game draw will be printed in the corresponding brochure. The list of available licenses that will be in the draw are posted online and in our brochures. These brochures are printed and made available at least one month ahead of the application deadline. So, you have one month to decide which license or licenses you want to apply for.

Prerequisites for Entering the Draw

To enter the draw, you must have hunter education (unless you were born before 1949), and you must have a qualifying license (qualifying licenses are only required for the big game draws, not for turkey). A qualifying license is a hunting license you must purchase in order to be allowed to enter the draw. Qualifying licenses include an annual small game license, an annual small game/fishing combination license, or a spring turkey license. Your qualifying license must be valid in the same year as the big game license you are applying for. If you meet the hunter education requirement and you have a qualifying license, you can enter the draw.

How to Enter the Draw

Entering the draw is done online or over the phone at 303-297-1192 or 1-800-244-5613 (toll free). All limited-license draws have a start date (the first day you can apply) and an application deadline (the last moment you can apply). The deadline is a hard deadline; if you are even one second late, your application will not be accepted. These dates vary from year to year, but they are always listed in the brochures. In every draw, you can only be granted one license per species, but you can enter the draw for as many species as you want. During the primary big game draw in April, you have the ability to apply for elk, deer, moose, pronghorn, bighorn sheep, bear, and mountain goat. The turkey draw is only for turkey.

For each species, you have the option to enter up to four license choices, but you can only be awarded one of those licenses. Once you’re online and applying, you will see a screen that looks like this:

License drawing choices

This is where you enter your license choices. The license you enter in the first box is your top choice, second choice in the next box, and so on. If you are unsuccessful in drawing your first choice, the system will move to your second choice and so on until you successfully draw a license or have exhausted all of your choices. You do not need to enter more than one license to enter the draw. If you only have one license you want and do not have a desired fallback option, you do not need to enter more than one.

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