Fair Chase
Hunt Hard, Hunt Fair
Fair chase is the idea of giving a game animal an equal opportunity.
Visit AZGFD - Fair ChaseBeyond the ethical considerations of fair chase, there are also regulations targeting fair chase rules and restrictions in the Arizona Game and Fish Department Regulations (A.R.S. 17-301 B, R12-4-319).
Care needs to be taken to ensure that a new technology does not violate the concept of fair chase. At the speed that technology is changing, it often will outpace hunting laws and regulations. An ethical hunter will question the use of such technology and will decide not to use it if it provides the hunter an unfair advantage. For example, Article 3 rule was amended to prohibit the use of trail cameras for the purpose of taking, or aiding in the take of, wildlife. Any photograph or its data captured by a trail camera after January 1, 2022, and used for the take or aiding in the take of wildlife will be unlawful, even if that was not the intended use of the trail camera.