
The Arizona Game and Fish Commission, as a civil law action, has the authority to revoke an individual’s privilege to take wildlife. The Commission can also direct civil action against the individual to reimburse the State for the value of any unlawfully taken wildlife.
License Revocation (A.R.S. 17-340)
You can have your license privileges revoked by the Commission for up to five years for a conviction of:
- unlawful taking, selling, offering for sale, bartering or possession of wildlife
- careless use of firearms resulting in human injury or death
- destroying or injuring livestock or crops while hunting or fishing
- acts of vandalism or littering while hunting or fishing
- knowingly allowing another person to use your big game tag
- unlawful entry on to closed area for purposes of taking wildlife
- license fraud
- unlawful use of aircraft to take wildlife
- waste of game meat
- guiding without a license
- Additional convictions may result in license privileges being revoked for longer periods up to permanently.