Video: Approached by a Conservation Officer
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Video Transcript
- Rob
Did you get it?
- Turner
I don’t know. I don’t think so.
- Rob
All right. Let’s go check it out.
- Turner
- Female officer
Dispatch wildlife 221. We’re out on the North State Wildlife Area. We got a couple hunters out here we’re going to go check.
- Rob
I don’t know. Looks like a clean miss, buddy.
- Turner
- Turner
Uh-oh. Did we do something wrong?
- Rob
This is a situation a lot of hunters find themselves in. There are proper actions to take when approached by a conservation officer. But you’d be surprised at what careless and dangerous things people do in situations like this.
- Female officer
Can I see your license?
- Rob
Unintentionally pointing your muzzle at an officer or another hunter is dangerous. Carrying a gun in a menacing manner is not a good idea.
- Rob
It can convey the wrong message and can make for a negative interaction.
- Rob
Not checking the safety and keeping the finger inside the trigger guard is another dangerous idea. It’s unsafe any time you’re interacting with a person.
- Rob
Fleeing from an officer is the worst idea. If you have a reason to run from the conservation officer, you shouldn’t be hunting in the first place. As reckless and careless as some of these may seem, a lot of people can get nervous when approached by a conservation officer. And they forget the rules of safe gun handling. So let’s show you the right way.
- Male officer
Guys, we’re checking some licenses today. If you could just make your firearms safe, I’d appreciate it.
- Rob
First, acknowledge the officer. Sure thing. Give us just a second.
- Rob
Point your muzzle in a safe direction.
- Rob
Recheck to make sure the safety is on, and keep your finger out of the trigger guard.
- Rob
Unload your gun, and check the action to be sure it’s unloaded.
- Rob
And finally, follow the conservation officer’s instructions and respect their requests.
- Male officer, to Turner
Can I hold that for you while you get your license out of your pocket?
- Rob
They’re just doing their job to make hunting safer for everyone.
- Male officer
Guys, thanks again for being so safe in handling your firearms today. You wouldn’t believe some of the things we see out here in the field. So we appreciate it. Have a good afternoon.
- Rob
Thanks. So what will you do when you’re approached by a conservation officer? Well, use what you’ve learned here today. And respect the important role that they play in protecting wildlife and keeping hunting safe for all of us. All right. Let’s get back to it.