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Course Outline

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Planning and preparation reduce the likelihood of serious emergencies while trapping. In addition, a well-planned trapping season is usually more successful. To plan properly, address these four areas.

  • Be Ready: To help you avoid or minimize problems, it’s essential that you plan carefully. Responsible trappers anticipate potential problems and make plans to deal with them. Considerations include terrain, location, weather, dangerous game, and the potential for forest fires.
  • Know Your Location: Learn as much as you can about your chosen trapping area before you arrive.
    • You can purchase topographic or aerial maps to familiarize yourself with the terrain.
    • If the location is within a convenient drive, it’s a good idea to visit the area in the off-season.
  • Prepare for Safety: You also need to assess your physical condition and equipment.
    • Your physical and mental condition will affect your performance and safety while trapping. Staying in shape also may prevent exhaustion and heart attacks.
    • Refresh your memory of trapping and firearm safety rules, and review the rules with your partners.
  • Tell Others: Prepare a trapping plan in case you or someone in your group becomes lost, sick, or injured.
    • Tell where and with whom you are trapping and when you expect to return.
    • Give specific directions on your route to your destination and any alternate destinations.
    • Leave the plan with a family member or friend so that searchers will know where to find you. Do not deviate from your trapping plan without notification.
    • When trapping with a group, each person should discuss his or her route plans.
    • Keep detailed trap location and numbers in case you are disabled and someone else needs to check or retrieve your traps.
  • Unit 3 of 7
  • Topic 1 of 2
  • Page 1 of 4