When using foothold traps or non-powered cable devices, swivels are very important. Swivels allow traps to move freely in the same direction as the animal's movement. This is important because it minimizes injury to the captured animal, reduces damage, and may prevent cable breakage.
- Different types of swivels may be used to fasten a trap's chain to a stake. These swivels include lap-link swivels, stake swivels, universal (four-way) swivels, and cross-staking swivels.
- Universal swivels also may be used in the middle of a trap chain or can attach a chain to a trap at the center of the base plate.
- It is best to use two or more swivels with a foothold trap along the anchoring system.
- For cable devices, at least one swivel at the anchor point and one along the cable are recommended.
- Various swivels may be used with sliding locks to construct a submersion set.
Responsible trappers use high-quality swivels to construct effective, humane sets. If swivels are not used correctly with live-restraining traps:
- A trapped animal may be able to twist the trap chain until it is easy to pull out of the trap or...
- A trapped animal may injure itself.