Coyote Sets
The recommended traps for catching coyotes are coil-spring foothold traps and non-powered cable devices. Powered cable devices also work for the eastern coyote if they are set to capture the animal by the foot.
Scent Post Set for Coyotes
Like the fox, the coyote is attracted by the scent of its urine. It also is an animal that travels along the same paths and crossing places. By locating a scent post set upwind from the coyote's routine path, the coyote will smell the scent and follow it to the set.
- Follow the coyote's tracks until you locate an area where the animal wandered around or stopped. To reduce the chances of catching a furbearer, also look for an area that is on high ground or the top of a ridge.
- Stake a foothold trap in an open, flat space. Make sure the trap is on level ground and slightly below ground level.
- Hide the trap, chain, stake, etc., by covering them with dirt to look like the surrounding area.
- Put a light layer of dirt over the trap pan.
- Erect a post or other object about six to eight inches high over the buried stake.
- Put a tablespoon of coyote urine on the post.

Scent Post Set
Dirt Hole Set for Coyotes
Prepare a dirt hole set as you would to trap a fox.
- Locate the set near the coyote's regular path.
- Make the loose dirt in front of the hole look like an animal dug it.
- Use rocks or dirt clods around the trap so that the coyote will step on the trap.
Flat Set for Coyotes
The flat set is a variation of the dirt hole set and is located near a clump of grass.
- Instead of digging a hole to put the bait in, just place an object such as cow chips or rotten wood to lure the coyote.
- Cover the trap with dried grass or leaves.
- Put gland lure or coyote urine on the side of the object where the trap is located.
Blind Set for Coyotes
- Find a place, such as beside a fence, where a coyote often walks.
- Place the trap as with a flat set.
- Put sticks to the sides of the trap to make the coyote step on the trap.
Carcass Set for Coyotes
Coyotes return to feed at carcasses.
- Put three or four dirt hole or flat sets around the area.
- To avoid catching scavenger birds, locate the sets at least 30 yards away from the carcass.