Future of Furbearers’ Habitat

What does tomorrow hold for the sport of furharvesting? The answer depends in part on the future of the furbearers' habitat.
Furbearer habitat depends on land use. Wetland areas are in constant jeopardy. North America has lost much of its wetlands. Agriculture, housing, industry, highways, and river straightening reduce our remaining wetlands each year. As the habitat goes, so goes the furbearer population—and so goes trapping.
Landowners, with the support of government agencies, play an important role in preserving this habitat. Landowners can:
- Preserve or restore swamps and marshes.
- Keep stream banks and woodlands wild and undisturbed.
- Let fence rows grow enough vegetation to provide cover and den sites for furbearers and other wildlife.
Then the future will be bright for furbearers and for the trappers who seek them.