Knowing Trapping Rules and Regulations

Buy your hunting and trapping license before the season begins. Do not wait until you are ready to hunt or trap before you think about getting a permit. When you buy your license, you should receive a digest of hunting and trapping regulations. If not:
- Write, call, or visit your state wildlife agency to receive a list of regulations.
- Look for trapping regulations on your state's website.
Study the regulations closely for any changes. Trapping regulations can change from year to year.
Trappers who violate laws and regulations may be fined, jailed, or lose the privilege to trap.
To help ensure you understand all the laws you need to know, review the Trapping Law Questionnaire. Make sure you can answer all the questions. Remember, if you are unsure of a regulation, consult an expert—a game warden, wildlife officer, or conservation agent where you live.