Nutria Sets

Trail Set
Two types of traps are recommended for catching nutria—coil-spring foothold traps with padded jaws and bodygrip traps.
Trail Set for Nutria
Both bodygrip traps and coil-spring foothold traps can be set along trails where the nutria travels.
When using a foothold trap as a live-restraining device:
- Place the trap slightly away from the center of the trail to make sure you catch the nutria by the foot.
- Cover the trap with a light layer of leaves or mud.
- If you want to add bait, use carrots or sweet potatoes. The nutria picks up its food with its teeth, so put the bait to the side of the trap.
When using the foothold trap in a submersion system:
- Put the trap underwater where the trail enters a body of water. This can include a ditch or a canal.
- Position the trap so that the nutria swims to deeper water.
- Include a sliding lock to keep the animal submerged.
Floating Platform Set for Nutria
Since nutria like to eat on floating platforms, these make good locations for foothold traps. Use carrots or sweet potatoes as bait.
Den or Culvert Sets for Nutria
Bodygrip traps can be set at the entrance to the nutria’s den or in a culvert.