Overview of Lures, Urine, and Bait

Many expert trappers consider lures, urine, and bait to be important equipment.
- The odor of these items attracts the passing furbearer. The animal approaches to investigate.
- If the set has been made properly, the furbearer will be captured. (No matter how good the attractant, you will not catch the furbearer if the set is not made properly!)
- Lure is considered especially important in trapping the wary mink, beaver, or fox.
- Beginning trappers often search for a miracle lure that will attract animals from miles away. There are no such lures. The best long-distance lure might attract a fox from 50 yards away—if the lure is placed right and the weather and wind conditions are optimal.
- Even when using a good lure, you still have to place your set in the target animal's usual area of travel.