The Purpose of Trapping Regulations
Furharvesting laws are intended to:
- Ensure that the furbearer resource will not be over-harvested.
- Permit reasonable use of this resource.
- Allow everyone an opportunity to harvest a fair share of the surplus crop.
- Minimize waste.
- Protect animal welfare and ensure that animals are taken in a humane manner.
- Minimize the chances of catching non-target animals.
- Protect people from the property damage and disease caused by too many furbearers.
- Control furbearer populations within desirable limits.
Furharvesting regulations are published annually and can be obtained from any hunting license agent. All trappers should become thoroughly familiar with the laws that govern their sport.
The following factors affect trapping regulations:
- Changes in the furbearer population level
- Changes in trapping technology
- Changes in the number of trappers
- Changes to the habitat
- Changes in nuisance problems from furbearers
- Changes in public attitudes
- The need to protect rare or endangered species from predatory furbearers
Hunting and trapping laws are passed in various ways:
- In most states, a wildlife management agency sets hunting and trapping regulations.
- These agencies allow the public to voice concerns and make suggestions during regularly scheduled meetings. If you wish to propose changes to trapping regulations, participate in these meetings.
- Another way to help influence trapping laws is to join a trapping group.
- The trapping group in your state may meet with your state wildlife agency to help decide trapping regulations.
- By joining a trapping group, you also will have the chance to meet other trappers and learn more about trapping.
Check the Internet for information on state or local trapping groups. Two national trapping groups you can join are: