Hunting Methods Restrictions for Big Game
The legal methods you may use while hunting depend on the game species and are designed to ensure that your hunting equipment can deliver a clean kill. Information for hunting big game is included here. For more specific information and requirements for other species, refer to the Nebraska GPC website.
Deer and Antelope
When hunting deer and antelope, you may legally use:
- Rifle that is at least .22 caliber and has at least 900 foot-pounds of energy at 100 yards or…
- Rifle that is a .357 magnum or Colt .45 or…
- Handgun that has at least 400 foot-pounds of energy at 50 yards or…
- Shotgun that is 20 gauge or larger and fires a single slug or…
- Crossbow that has a draw weight of at least 125 pounds, is not electronic, and is fired from the shoulder or…
- Longbow, recurve bow, compound bow, or spear or…
- Muzzleloading rifle that is .44 caliber or larger or…
- Muzzleloading musket that is .62 caliber or larger and fires a single slug.
Elk and Mountain (Bighorn) Sheep
When hunting elk and mountain (bighorn) sheep, you may legally use:
- Rifle that is at least .25 caliber and has at least 1,700 foot-pounds of energy at 100 yards or…
- Crossbow that has a draw weight of at least 125 pounds, is not electronic, and is fired from the shoulder or…
- Longbow, recurve bow, compound bow, or spear or…
- Muzzleloading rifle that is .45 caliber or larger.