What You Learned

The bow is a short-range hunting tool.

Proper bow selection and fit are essential to your accuracy and performance when bowhunting. The most common types of bows are the longbow (stick bow), the recurve bow, and the compound bow.

Arrows have four parts.
- Shaft: The long spine of the arrow
- Fletching: The plastic vanes or feathers on an arrow
- Arrowhead: The point of the arrow
- Nock: A slotted plastic tip on the rear end of the arrow

The common types of arrowheads are bullet point, blunt point, field point, JUDO point, fish point, and broadhead. The broadhead is the only arrowhead that may be used for big game hunting.

Broadheads must be kept razor-sharp for hunting. To prevent injury, use a special wrench to screw on broadheads, keep them covered with a quiver, and take special care when field dressing bow-killed game.

Bowhunting accessories include armguards, finger protection, and quivers.

The safe and easy way to string a recurve bow or longbow is to use a bowstringer. To replace compound bow strings, you must use a bow press.

Always use the proper equipment for the game you are hunting. Select a bow that is the correct size for you, and ensure it is in good condition. Purchase the correct arrows for your bow, and make sure they are straight with sharp points matched to the game you are pursuing.