
The longbow is a large, powerful, lightweight bow. For a novice archer, it is more difficult to use than other bow styles. Not all longbows have an arrow shelf for an arrow rest, nor do they shoot as fast as the recurve or compound bow. It also does not have a ‘let-off point’. This means the archer feels the total draw weight of the bow through the entire process. When the string is drawn back, energy is stored in the limbs until the archer releases the bowstring, propelling the arrow to the target at high speed.
Bowhunters who prefer a more traditional hunt with the recurve and longbows may have the least possible accessories or additional parts on bows in order to increase the challenge when hunting. Bowhunters who use the compound bow, by contrast, may add several accessories to support more accurate and quiet shooting. Whichever bow you choose to use, remember to always follow manufacturer’s instructions for safe handling and use of your bow.