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Course Outline

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This occurs when the trigger is pulled and the firearm does not fire. It is caused either by a weak firing pin or a defective primer that fails to ignite the powder charge.

If you are using a blackpowder firearm, inspect the priming cap or charge. Make sure it is a misfire, and then check that the rifle is loaded correctly using the ramrod.

If you are sure it is a misfire, clean the vent or touch hole with a pick, then re-prime and fire.


This occurs when the trigger is pulled and the firearm is delayed in firing. It is caused by a temporary failure of the primer to ignite the powder charge.

Squib load or ‘pop fire’

This occurs when the trigger is pulled and you only hear a slight pop and do not feel any recoil. It is usually caused by not having a powder charge in the cartridge or shotshell.

Wait 30 seconds.
  • Unit 11 of 13
  • Topic 4 of 4
  • Page 3 of 6