First aid: snakebites
All snakebites must be treated as potentially life-threatening. You should call 000 if you have phone reception, or immediately activate your PLB if you have one.
It is best to identify the type of snake that has bitten you, however, that can be difficult sometimes. If you are bitten by any type of snake, you should apply the same first-aid treatment until a medical professional can assess your condition.
Apply the following treatment to any snakebite.
- Try and keep the victim calm, and reassure them that help is on the way. If you are alone, try to remain calm, and slow down your breathing and heart rate. Movement and panic may allow the venom to travel faster through the body.
- Apply a broad-pressure bandage to the bite site as soon as possible.
- Wrap a bandage from below the bite site, then upwards and over.
- Extend it as high as possible (e.g. all the way to the groin).
- Be careful not to cut off circulation to the fingers or toes.
- Keep the limb still (e.g. don’t remove trousers).
- Use the same tightness as for a sprained ankle.
- Use a shirt or other clothing if you have no bandages.
- Mark the area of the bite on the bandage.
- Follow by applying a heavy bandage to immobilise the entire limb.
- Splint either side of the bite to help keep the limb from moving.
- Keep the person completely still and continue to reassure them.