Hunting signs
Hunting signs advise the particular forest is available for hunting and reinforce that both a written permission and an R-Licence are required before entering the forest to hunt.
These signs will be placed at key entry points to each state forest available for hunting.
Sometimes, there is a need to exclude an area of a declared State forest from hunting. This may be because Forestry personnel are working on a site or there is a recreational event taking place.
When an area is excluded, this sign is placed to alert hunters and the general public that the area is excluded from hunting and that other people may be in the area. The sign will have extra information in the comment section regarding contact persons or the dates that apply to the exclusion.
These exclusion zones will also be identified on the maps provided with your written permission and also on your GPS device. However, an area may be excluded to hunting at short notice and not appear on the map. In this instance, you must always obey the signage as a minimum.
Some forests with high populations of wild dogs and feral pigs may participate in 1080 poison baiting programs. When 1080 is being used, FCNSW will clearly sign post bait locations. Regular baiting programs will be listed on your written permission. At times, hunters may receive an advisory from DPI Hunting through email or SMS about a baiting program that has been added to your written permission.
Hunting with dogs may still be allowed during 1080 poison baiting programs, and it is your responsibility to keep your dogs safe and away from the marked baiting areas.