Introduction to the course
Welcome to the NSW Online R-Licence Accreditation course!
New South Wales (NSW) has many hunting opportunities offered through a regulated public land hunting program that is administered by DPI Hunting (part of the NSW Department of Primary Industries).
Public land hunting is managed by a licensing and regulatory system that ensures activities are conducted safely and ethically and provide a strong contribution to the NSW community.
To hunt on public land, hunters must first hold a valid NSW restricted game hunting licence, known as an R-Licence. This licence is available for adults and minors between the ages of 12 and 18 years.
To apply for an R-Licence, you must successfully complete this course and be a member of an Approved Hunting Organisation (AHO).
Licensed hunters can then use the online booking system, accessed through the NSW DPI website, to book a hunt on any of the declared public land forests open to hunting.