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Course Outline

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All hunters should carry the following items every time they head into the field — even if it’s just for a few hours. This kit should be separate from your other items and easily accessible in the event of an emergency.

  • Two large garbage bags and at least 10 metres of rope to build a shelter.
  • Fire-starting equipment:
    • waterproof matches, a magnesium fire starter or strike-anywhere matches sealed in a plastic bag
    • petroleum jelly inside cotton balls: they catch fire very effectively and are very useful for starting a fire if there is little dry wood to be found; keep cotton balls in a small ziplock bag.
  • Signalling devices such as a plastic whistle or signalling mirror.
  • Spare compass and map of the area.
  • Bottled water.
  • A small quantity of high-energy food (i.e. granola bar, trail mix, nuts, etc.).
Hunter putting a rope inside the bag
  • Unit 7 of 13
  • Topic 2 of 5
  • Page 3 of 5