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Course Outline

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Your GPS device and hunting maps ensure that you always know where you are. However, there is always a risk of you or another forest user becoming lost. GPS malfunctions or being caught in a sudden storm might prevent you from getting back to camp especially when hunting in an unfamiliar area. If you don’t feel comfortable hunting in an area, or if you feel unprepared, do not take the chance.

Hunting is a safe activity when conducted legally, ethically and with careful awareness of each situation. By following some simple guidelines, you can reduce the chance of getting lost in the great outdoors.

When a person gets lost, a change takes place both mentally and physically. When you’re lost, it is important to remain calm because the most powerful tool you have is your brain.

A campfire burning on rocky ground near a body of water
  • Unit 7 of 13
  • Topic 4 of 5
  • Page 2 of 5